Command not found: flutter

How to solve the issue

Command not found: flutter
No time to read?
  • When flutter is not recognized as a command, the application is most likely not part of your $PATH variable
  • To fix it, you need to append the bin directory of it to your $PATH variable
  • On Windows, do it preferably via GUI
  • On Linux und MacOS, put the following line in $HOME/.zshrc (or .bashrc respectively): export PATH="$YOUR_FLUTTER_DIR/bin:$PATH"

The flutter command is needed for every important action related to Flutter, such as:

  • Running the app
  • Updating the dependencies
  • Determining you installation’s status (flutter doctor)

However, if there is a problem with the executable, you might get the error:

1command not found: flutter

Let’s clarify the root cause of the error, what you need to know about the $PATH variable and how to debug the issue.

What does the error mean?

The error means a simple thing: your shell (bash, zsh or whatever shell you are using) is telling you that it looked into the $PATH, but could not find an executable named flutter. Let’s say you downloaded Flutter and put it in a folder called “flutter” in your home folder ($HOME/flutter). You need to tell your shell to look right there for the executable file, as it doesn’t know by itself.

Where does the OS look for flutter?

Whenever you type a command - this can be any token you enter into your shell - the first thing the shell will do is to look inside its $PATH for an executable with the very name you have entered.
The important part is that there are a bunch of folders that are set by default, but if you want to make a new command available, you have to extend the $PATH variable by the new directory and thus tell it to look there as well.

Let’s look at how to set the path variable on different operating systems.


Under Windows, working with a shell is rather unpopular. Instead, most of the time, you work with the GUI of the OS. I will explain both ways, starting with the GUI:


  1. Using the keyboard shortcut Windows Key+X you access the Power User Task Menu.
  2. Select the System option.
  3. Scroll down and click About.
  4. Click the Advanced System Settings text button at the bottom of Device Specifications.
  5. Click the Advanced tab, then click the Environment Variables button near the bottom.
  6. Choose the Path variable in the System Variables area and click the Edit button. There you may add or modify the path lines with the paths you want the OS to access. Separate the paths with a semicolon.


If you prefer to set such options via the CLI, you can do this with a simple command: setx.

You need to run this from a privileged CLI.

To do that, right-click the cmd shortcut (e. g. Windows Key and then enter “cmd”) and select “Run as Administrator”.

If your Flutter directory is C:\Downloads\Flutter, you need to set it like this:

1setx /M PATH "%PATH%;C:\Downloads\Flutter\bin\flutter"

Using /M as an option will perform the change of PATH in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE instead of HKEY_CURRENT_USER, which makes it a system wide change and not only a user change.

setx truncates the stored path string to 1024 bytes (which equals to 1024 characters). This can lead to data loss if the path is already about 1024 bytes or longer! If you are unsure, use echo %PATH% to read it beforehand.

Linux (with zsh)

On Linux distributions, there is unlike Windows not only one single source of truth. Instead, there is a defined order at which the OS sources files on booting up, that can alter the $PATH.
Some files are sourced under different circumstances, so it’s good to know, when to modify which one.
The files are sources in the following order:

1. /etc/zshenv / $HOME/.zshenv

(Always sourced)

.zshenv is sourced in any case. If environment variables are set there, then it should be ones that are updated frequently. It’s also used for exported variables that are suppoed to be read by other applications like $EDITOR, $PAGER and the one we’re interested in: $PATH.

Keep in mind that this file is sourced even when zsh is started to run a single command, also by other programs e. g. make. You should know what you’re doing as you can break the standard commands.

.zshenv also allows you to specify a new location for the rest of the zsh config. You can do this by setting $ZDOTDIR.

2. /etc/zprofile /$HOME/.zprofile

(Sourced at login)

Since .zprofile is used for login shells, it’s usually only sourced once. It’s basically an alternative to .zlogin (which is sourced two steps after) that should be rather used for variables that are not updated that frequently.

Lines they contain are only executed once, at the beginning of your login session.

If you make changes to this file and want to apply the configuration immediately, you can do this by running a login shell:

1exec zsh --login

3. /etc/zshrc / $HOME/.zshrc

(Sourced in interactive shell)

This is probably the file you will change most of the time because it affects your interactive shells. It’s often used for things such as:

  • Aliases
  • Key bindings
  • Output colors
  • Shell command history
  • Setting the $PATH variable

4. /etc/zlogin / $HOME/.zlogin

(Sourced at login)

Similar to .zprofile read at login, but sourced after .zshrc if the shell is not only login but also interactive.

5. /etc/zlogout / $HOME/.zlogout

(Sourced at logout)

Like the name implies, it’s called when logging out within the login shell. Can be used for clearing the terminal.


To solve the issue on Linux, put the following line in $HOME/.zshrc where $YOUR_FLUTTER_DIR is the directory where you downloaded Flutter:

If you’re working e. g. with bash, you put it in the respective equivalent (.bashrc) instead.

MacOS (Catalina and newer)

MacOS behaves quite similar to Linux distributions. However, there are slight differences.
Let’s examine those by having a look at the execution order:

1. /etc/zshenv / $HOME/.zshenv

(Always sourced)

Same behavior as the Linux pendant

2. /etc/zprofile /$HOME/.zprofile

(Sourced at login)

Basically the same behavior as the Linux pendant. But there is a slight difference in the /etc/zprofile:

Which is the system-wide equivalent of the .zprofile of the user.

Its content looks like this:

1# System-wide profile for interactive zsh(1) login shells.
3# Setup user specific overrides for this in ~/.zprofile. See zshbuiltins(1)
4# and zshoptions(1) for more details.
6if [ -x /usr/libexec/path_helper ]; then
7 eval `/usr/libexec/path_helper -s`

Now what is the path_helper? Well, let the man page give us the answer:

"The path_helper utility reads the contents of the files in the directories /etc/paths.d and /etc/manpaths.d and appends their contents to the PATH and MANPATH environment variables respectively."

man page of path_helper

So apparently, this program only concatenates the content of /etc/paths.d and /etc/manpaths.d which in my case only contains /Library/Apple/usr/bin.

3. /etc/zshrc / $HOME/.zshrc

(Sourced in interactive shell)

Basically the equivalent of the Linux pendant.

4. /etc/zshrc_Apple_Terminal

(Sourced in interactive shell)

This gives the terminal app of MacOS zsh support.

5. /etc/zlogin / $HOME/.zlogin

(Sourced at login)

Same behavior as the Linux pendant.

6. /etc/zlogout / $HOME/.zlogout

(Sourced at logout)


Here is an overview of the above explanation. The rows in the table represent the order of execution.

system-wideuserlogin shellinteractive shellscripts

system-wide lists the files that affect all users, users the respective files that only affect the current user.

The overview also describes, which of the files is sourced when opening a login shell, an interactive shell or before a script execution:


Like on Linux, put the following line in $HOME/.zshrc where $YOUR_FLUTTER_DIR is the directory where you downloaded Flutter:

Debugging the $PATH

If you want to know, what’s currently inside your $PATH variable, you can just print out its value.

Windows: echo %PATH%
Linux and MacOS: echo $PATH

Putting it all together

Command not found: flutter has simple root cause: flutter as a binary is not in a directory where your operating system looks for it.

In order to make it work, you have to add the location of your flutter binary to the $PATH variable of your operating system.

On Windows, you can do it via GUI or CLI.

On Linux and MacOS, add or update


to your .zshrc or .bashrc.

If you’re unfamiliar with editing hidden text files: just enter nano ~/.zshrc, change the line, press CTRL+X to close and Y to override. Re-source the file by entering source ~/.zshrc.

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